Exhibition “Intersections or Let’s meet at…”
As part of the project "Heritage. Practical work"
25 July 2024 - 1 September 2024

The exhibition includes works by Ukrainian artists from the funds of the KhRMA (original works by Opanas Zalyvakha, Oleksandr Roitburd, Mykola Mazur and others) and the Bakhmut Museum of Local Lore (photocopies of works by artists from the Ukrainian east), collages by Tetiana Kabakova and text and audio accompaniment by the resident of the ICF “Isolation. Platform for Cultural Initiatives” and the author of the project, Natalia Mikhalchenko.
Encounters in a broad sense are the interweaving of stories, values, and personalities. Intersections occur when something resonates in our memory or heart. Places of such important encounters are places of memory, crossroads and train stations, bazaars and squares as centers of socialization, cultural institutions and art objects as points of attraction.
Interaction with such places and learning about them are important for preserving historical memory and enriching culture at the level of each individual and community.
Project’s author Natalia Mikhalchenko:
“It was very important for me to look at the places of meetings and intersections through the eyes of very different people: our contemporaries, indigenous and new residents of Ukrainian cities, through the eyes of artists from different regions and eras. To stand next to the sixties, to those who were destined to live in the times of Soviet stagnation, perestroika, at the beginning of the restoration of Ukrainian independence, and during the Russian-Ukrainian war. All of them are a little bit of us, and their paintings speak to us with different but familiar voices of love for home, for the city, for the land, for Ukraine.”
The project “Heritage. Practical Work” is supported by the IZOLYATSIA. Platform for Cultural Initiatives and the Partnership for a Strong Ukraine fund, which is funded by the governments of Canada, Estonia, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the United States of America.

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